



As much as we value the musical skill of an artist, we prioritize our unified philosophy over talent in all circumstances.

We welcome artists of all abilities, with numerous opportunities tailored to your capabilities, on the following conditions:

1. Attendance at our events, bonding activities, as well as external gigs that fellow members have landed. 

2. Respect towards one another via actions and constructive feedback to allow a safe space for members to grow. 

3. Quick and decisive responses when it is required. This will allow for quicker plannings and decisions to be made based on each member’s response. 

4. We reserve the right to deny or terminate membership if we feel that individuals have not contributed their fair share to the community or are not in agreement with our mission.

Why join indigo?

Indigo Scales is not only a collective for musicians, but also a community built around inclusiveness and fun. We strive to have all our members enjoy themselves at our gatherings and take something away each meeting. Be it new friends, a valuable music lesson, or an awesome memory that would make you come back for more!

So who should join Indigo?

If you're a person looking to expand your musical knowledge and have a great time doing it, we're the community you've been looking for! We accept members without discrimination and of all musical abilities.

If you aren't a musician but would like to help us out in other ways such as graphic design and event organisation, you're welcome to join us too!

How do I join up?

You can drop us a message on any of our social media platforms or even an email. Just state your name and why you'd like to join us!

Alternatively, you can drop Yong Ta a message @ 9368 9863 if you have any queries or worries!